Operation Brightside Neighborhood Blitz

Operation Brightside offers assistance to residents who wish to work with their neighbors to clean-up common areas in their neighborhood – alleys, streets and vacant lots – areas that detract from the overall appearance of their neighborhood.  Rather than designate one day for clean-up, residents can now select their own date, time and location for their clean-up.

Groups can register their clean-up and beautification projects with Brightside by completing online registration at:  www.brightsidestl.org or call Brightside at

314-772-4646. Brightside can lend hand tools and provide trash bags.

Brightside can make arrangements to have large limbs chipped and hauled away if placed in a designated location.  Report location to Brightside on Monday after your clean-up and Forestry will chip up the pile of limbs sometime that week, weather permitting.  Small branches should be placed in yard waste containers.

For large, bulky items (furniture, appliances, etc.) please use the regularly scheduled monthly bulk pick-up.  To maximize the impact of your efforts, consider scheduling your clean-up before your bulk pick-up.

Let’s make St. Louis a cleaner, greener, better community.