LPNA Board Meeting Minutes – 2/11/2017

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 11, 2016


Present:           Janet Desnoyer, Doug Dick, Lindsay Alsop, Milton Murray, Craig Strohbeck, Greg Roggeman, Lisa Roggeman, Daniel Schmidt


Excused:          Pat Acquisto, Tim Nowell, Jessica Sullivan, Joe Vaccaro, Christy Boyd


Absent:            Dan Walk


The Minutes of January 11, 2017 were amended to reflect that Kat Flynn was “considering” resigning from the Board.


Strategic Plan: The Strategic Plan is complete. Janet presented additional follow-up relating to:

Ivanhoe Business District Development – Dan Schmidt will contact Maude Trost to find out if there is a plan for development and try to obtain a list of current businesses on Ivanhoe. Discussed contacting businesses to see what their needs are. Possible needs are a children’s party place, coffee house, farmers market. Street scaping on Ivanhoe: pear trees are dying and need to be removed, sidewalk/curb project is haphazard and should be completed. Are business property owners interested in improving their properties? Are there any grants available to assist? How can LPNA help?


Membership Committee: 8 people renewed membership and 4 new members signed up. Jessica offered to call all future lapsed members instead of dividing up the list. New welcome packs need to be distributed before the March General Membership meeting. Lisa, Doug, Rita, Jessica and Janet to action.


Marketing Committee: Find out if any other neighborhood is offering discounts for members of their associations. Discussions re: membership cards, database, apps and other methods to grow the membership. Janet to ask SLACO what incentives they offer to their respective neighborhood residents.


Originals card to be considered. Rich LoRusso is the organizer. Doug to contact Rich and gather info on how this could benefit the restaurants and neighborhood. Promote LPNA and encourage membership on Facebook and post the budget and minutes of board meetings.


Post website links on Facebook – reminder to send info to Greg, wait until it’s available on the website and THEN post to Facebook adding the link to the website. Draw traffic to the website. Lisa to add the link to the membership form to Facebook. Make announcements about membership at Tweetups.


A summary of the Board minutes will be added to the website.


General Membership meeting: Our last meeting at Union United Methodist Church will be in March. UUMC is closing in June. There is interest in a Webster Groves church purchasing the building. Pat confirmed we can use the room above the bowling alley at Epiphany for future General Membership meetings. Janet confirmed that Watson Terrace Christian Church is also available for meetings. We would have to set up and take down chairs at both locations. Watson Terrace was preferred due to stairs at Epiphany. Signs will be displayed at both entrances at UUMC advising new location of the meeting.


March General Membership meeting: Representative to discuss the City Resiliency Plan, Great Rivers Greenway. The city’s vacancy plan/petition will be on the April ballot (cost of vacancy to the City).


LPNA President: Janet’s term will end in December 2017 and she will not run for another term. She will remain on the Board and chair block captains, streets and properties, flea market and lawn and garden contest. Janet will outline a job spec of duties. Possibly change bylaws to include Immediate Past President, President, President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary.


Storage at Lindenwood Park: $4,114 was deposited in LPNA account, 20 tents we bought out of Ward capital and we have ward capital money left that could be allocated towards storage in the building. Janet will meet with Chris Bublis on Monday February 13th to discuss our needs. We would like a closet with sliding lockable doors on the interior east wall of the utility building in the area currently used for storage of LPNA tents and signs. Closet to be built to accommodate tents 3 deep, large hooks be affixed to the interior north wall of the Park utility building to act as storage for long metal tent poles currently lying on the ground of the storage area. Any remaining funds would be used to purchase large metal drums to be used as trash cans throughout the Park. Install 2 permanent trashcans at two locations within the Park at Prather entrance to the Park nearest the tennis courts and Lindenwood side of the Park, closest to the ball diamond at Lindenwood and Jamieson.


Park: Doug made a motion to buy mulch for park cleanup. Janet seconded. Craig to get prices for leaf mulch delivery.


Treasurer’s Report: Quarterly and YTD reports and annual statement were emailed to Board. Lindsay has not heard back from Tom re the CID. Tax increase re cameras at Hampton Village should be on the April ballot.


Concerts and Food Trucks: BLTSTL food truck has confirmed for 3 concerts. Clementine’s Creamery is confirmed for all 3 concerts. Zonkey’s band is confirmed for August 20th. We will need to have an electrical contractor set up the electrical lines for the bands or they must use the electrical outlets at the gazebo and Murray’s Shaved Ice will need to use their generator rather than tap into the electric service in the Park storage building. Milton will speak to John Stacy regarding this.


Block Captains: Bowling party is February 21st at Epiphany Lanes. 40 people have rsvp’ed.


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Roggeman